About Pacific Prime’s State of Health Insurance 2019-2020 Report

The latest edition of Pacific Prime’s State of Health Insurance Report provides individual consumers, business leaders, and HR professionals with compelling insights into the major trends and developments that are shaping the global health insurance industry today.
By carefully monitoring changes in the health insurance industry, the 2019-2020 State of Health Insurance Report presents a comprehensive look at the country-specific, regional, and global drivers and challenges the industry is currently facing in a digestible and easy-to-read format.
The report begins with a brief introduction from Neil Raymond, Founder and CEO of Pacific Prime, and continues with the following sections:

Changes and trends shaping the global health insurance industry

The shifting risk landscape
Major healthcare challenges and trends
Healthcare insurance inflation
Technology increasingly takes center stage
Changes and trends shaping the global health insurance industry
Pacific Prime - Regional health insurance trends across five continents
The Americas
The Middle East

Regional health insurance trends across five continents


  • Insurtech takes center stage
  • Lack of mental health coverage in group policies
  • Population-related trends and challenges in the region

The Middle East

  • Mandatory health insurance legislation
  • Overprescribing trend

The Americas

  • California Consumer Privacy Act
  • The 2020 US presidential elections
  • Aging population


  • Impact of the GDPR law
  • Impact of Brexit on UK firms


  • Potential for health insurance growth
  • Mobile technology to increase prospects

Updates from Pacific Prime

To conclude, our report provides the recent developments that have shaped Pacific Prime in 2019-2020.

What is the state of health insurance
in the Middle East Region?

The insurance landscape in the Middle East is morphing rapidly and faces a myriad of issues and trends as regional governments impose stricter regulations and better compliance among businesses.

Mandatory health insurance legislation is more prevalent in the region

More countries in the Middle East region are following the trend of introducing mandatory health insurance cover for all of its citizens, residents, and expats, including:

Saudi Arabia

With the largest economy in the region, Saudi Arabia is the latest country in the Middle East to introduce mandatory health insurance for all citizens. The country started implementing the compulsory health insurance scheme in July 2016.
Companies that fail to offer compliant health coverage will be subject to a “suspension of services”.
Companies that fail to offer compliant health coverage will be subject to a suspension of services
Said companies will also face a fine equal to the value of
health insurance coverage for each employee.
Said companies will also face a fine equal to the value of health insurance coverage for each employee
Our report delves into the key features of Saudi Arabia's mandatory health insurance scheme.
Pacific Prime 2019-2020 State of Health Insurance Report


Oman is initiating mandatory universal health insurance for private sector workers and visitors.
Mandatory universal health insurance scheme
Mandatory universal health insurance scheme

By mid-2020, Oman plans to launch compulsory universal health insurance for its visitors, domestic workers, and private sector employees.

Unified Health Insurance Policy (UHIP)
Unified Health Insurance Policy (UHIP)

The compulsory insurance plan, or UHIP, must cover mandatory minimum benefits mandated by local laws.

Pacific Prime 2019-2020 State of Health Insurance Report
In Dubai, there is a prevailing trend of overutilization, as well as over-prescribing by medical facilities. These factors are key drivers of health insurance costs in the region.
David Hayes, Chief Executive Officer at Pacific Prime Dubai


Bahrain is launching mandatory health insurance for its expat population and temporary visitors.
What is the state of health insurance in the UAE?

What is the state of health insurance in the UAE?

Our report provides an exhaustive analysis of the major trends and
issues molding the region’s health insurance outlook, with the key ones being:
New renewal rule by the DHA
New renewal rule by the DHA

To prevent further increases in health insurance premiums, the DHA introduced a new renewal rule to prevent health insurance premiums from increasing more than 100% of the existing premium.

Over-prescribing trend
Over-prescribing trend

The overutilization of medical services across a number of specialties is also having a negative impact on medical quality and health premiums.

Increasing popularity of telemedicine
Increasing popularity of telemedicine

Since the spread of COVID-19 across the Middle East, health providers and insurers across the UAE have increased the use of telemedicine.

Download your free copy of our report for a complete look at the state of health insurance in the UAE.

Download The State of Health Insurance Report

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