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Compare Health Insurance

Compare medical insurance solutions in the UAE that match your needs and budget.

Compare Health Insurance
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Tailored health coverage

How to Compare Health Insurance

Finding the right health insurance plan that meets your unique medical requirements and budget is a must when living in the UAE. Luckily, there are many quality health insurance providers that offer a vast array of plans catered to expats. 

With the help of Pacific Prime, you can get a plan comparison quote that is designed just for you. 

Click the button below to receive a no-obligation, free quote today.

Pacific Prime’s in-house plan comparison tool

Whether you’re a traveler, local, or an expat looking to compare medical insurance, Pacific Prime makes it easy with our very own comparison tool

Thanks to our own technological tools, our clients are able to find and secure the best health insurance plans without the stress. What’s more, our in-house plan comparison tool offers the most competitive pricing for medical insurance plans in Dubai and the UAE. 

Upon finding the most suitable plans for your needs, the comparison tool will also offer comprehensive details to help with your decision, including:

  • Claims information
  • Premiums
  • Inpatient/outpatient benefits
  • Deductibles
  • Annual limits
  • Emergency evacuation
  • And more

Did we mention that our comparison tool is entirely free of charge? That’s right! You don’t have to spend any money to use our comparison tool to find the best health insurance plan in Dubai.

A step-by-step guide to comparing health insurance plans 

There are five simple steps that you can follow to use our plan comparison tool to your advantage. The steps are:

  1. Think about your medical needs
  2. Create your budget
  3. Become familiar with common insurance terms
  4. Find out more about the insurers
  5. Get to know the key plan features

Going through these five steps will make it possible for you to find the kind of plan that you’re looking for before you begin using our quoting tool. 

1. Think about your medical needs

It’s important to take some time to think about what your current medical needs are, as well as what they’ll be in the near future. By doing so, you’ll be able to determine what you’re truly looking for in a health insurance plan. There is no reason for you to get a plan that comes with benefits that are not relevant to your medical needs. 

You can ask yourself the following questions to find out your own medical needs:

  • Do I have a chronic medical disease?
  • What health risks are associated with my lifestyle and habits (e.g. smoking)? 
  • How long am I going to stay in Dubai or the UAE? 
  • Am I going to start a family in the UAE?
  • What are some common reasons for my hospital visits in the last five years?

Thinking about the answers to these questions will give you a clearer idea of the health benefits that you’ll need from your medical insurance plan. 

If you’re unsure about your health conditions or medical records, you should book a health screening or speak with a medical professional before purchasing health insurance.

2. Create your budget

Figuring out your budget will make it easier to reduce the number of plans when comparing medical insurance in Dubai. 

To decide on your budget, you should start by estimating how much you usually spend on healthcare-related costs annually. Doing so will give you an idea of the amount of money you could potentially save by purchasing a health insurance plan. 

Additionally, you should consider unexpected health issues that may occur in the future and how much that might cost you. This will help you see the value of policies when you’re making comparisons.

3. Become familiar with common insurance terms

Health insurance terms can certainly be confusing, especially if you’re not an expert in the field. 

If you become familiar with the main health insurance terms, you’ll find it easier to comprehend the policy terms and conditions before deciding on your purchase. Here are some of the most common insurance terms you should know before you compare health insurance plans in Dubai. 


The amount you pay per month or year to the insurer for health insurance coverage.


The procedures, medical treatments, and other healthcare costs that your health insurance plan covers. 


An insured’s request to seek reimbursement or payment for medical services received or to be received. 


The amount of money the insured needs to pay out of pocket for healthcare treatment before their health insurance plan starts to cover eligible expenses. 

Waiting periods

The amount of time that policyholders may have to wait before certain coverage benefits will apply. For example, maternity coverage tends to come with a minimum 10-month waiting period. 


Conditions, situations, or treatments that your medical insurance plan will not cover. 

Pre-existing conditions 

A health issue or condition that was diagnosed or treated before purchasing a health insurance plan.

Once you understand what these terms mean, you’ll be able to navigate the process of buying health insurance,as well as take advantage of your plan’s benefits in the future.

If you have any questions, reach out to our expert advisors to receive a free consultation session today. 

4. Find out more about the insurers

You’ll have to think about more than just the plans’ details when comparing health insurance. The efficiency of your insurance provider is just as important since a good insurer will help you benefit from your policy with as few hiccups as possible. 

For example, it’s a good idea to research whether the insurance provider has a fast claims process or how clients rate their customer support. However, it can be difficult to find information on the insurer’s internal processes and operations. That’s how a company like ours can help. 

At Pacific Prime, we have been simplifying insurance for more than 20 years, and are currently partnered with over 60 global insurers. Pacific Prime can help you gain insider information on how various insurers work and find out more about their unique advantages. Contact us to receive insight on global insurance providers today. 

5. Get to know the key plan features

Lastly, familiarize yourself with the key plan features that will come up when comparing health insurance plans. This step will help you understand the different options that are presented to you once you have received a quote from us. 

Here are the main plan features you should go over when comparing health insurance plans in Dubai and the UAE. 

Premiums and coverage

To begin with, compare the premiums to the coverage benefits that are offered. You shouldn’t just opt for a plan because it has the most affordable premiums or offers the most benefits. With the former, you might not get enough coverage, and, with the latter, you’ll likely be paying for more than you actually need. 

You should look for plans that provide the ideal balance between coverage benefits and premiums that will match your medical needs and budget instead. 


As previously mentioned, deductibles are the amount of money you need to pay out of pocket upfront, before your health insurance plan provides coverage. Typically, premiums are cheaper when deductibles are higher. 


Renewability is an essential feature when it comes to buying health insurance. Plans that provide lifetime guaranteed renewability will give you peace of mind knowing that you will be covered, regardless of your medical conditions or age, as long as you keep paying for premiums. 


The number of exclusions is another key feature of a medical insurance plan. Be sure to check whether a policy excludes coverage for a treatment you need so you can choose the right plan. 

Some plans allow you to include special medical treatments, but this usually results in a higher premium

Emergency evacuation benefits

Emergency evacuation benefits can be essential for travelers and expats alike. Even though Dubai has some world-class hospitals, quality healthcare services are not available all over the UAE. 

Emergency evacuation benefits can be useful for this reason. For example, if you get in an accident when you’re traveling to a remote area, the cost of medical evacuation to the closest quality healthcare service will be covered. 

Direct billing

Direct billing services are helpful since they can save you time and energy when visiting hospitals. Through these services, your medical bills can be reimbursed by your insurance provider without requiring you to manually file claims whenever you visit a hospital. 

Find out which hospitals are in your insurer’s network of providers to know where direct billing services will be available under a certain plan.

Compare health insurance with Pacific Prime Dubai

Looking to buy the best health insurance plan in Dubai? Get a medical insurance price comparison with Pacific Prime and benefit from our free services such as:

  • Impartial advice
  • Administration assistance
  • Plan comparison and analysis
  • Claims and renewal negotiation
  • Claims support
  • Insurer liaison
  • Hospital information and recommendation
  • And more

With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, Pacific Prime has become an industry leader when it comes to offering seamless insurance solutions across the globe.

Get a quote from our team today!
