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Pacific Prime launches the 2018 State of Health Insurance report!

Health insurance is not really something that people think about on a day-to-day basis. For most people with health insurance coverage, it is often a ‘set it and forget it’ kind of product that, once in place, is only really considered whenever it needs to be used or renewed. For those without health insurance, it may be considered a luxury that, while it would be nice to have, may feel like it’s simply out of reach. Whether you currently possess health insurance or not, Pacific Prime Dubai has released a new report that may contain health insurance information you will find valuable. Read on to find out more about the 2018 State of Health Insurance report!

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About the State of Health Insurance report

The aim of the State of Health Insurance report is to give a big picture view of the international private medical insurance (IPMI) landscape. This is the first report of its kind, and combines data that Pacific Prime has been painstakingly aggregating over the course of many years. Not only are the report’s findings relevant to policyholders and potential insurance customers around the globe, but those that work in the industry can also take a great deal away from them. This is because the report both looks at historical data, and highlights trends that can allow industry insiders to deduce how the marketplace will likely evolve in the coming years.

open version of the State of Health Insurance in Dubai report

There are a number of questions that the advisors at Pacific Prime Dubai hear on a regular basis that the State of Health Insurance report aims to answer, which include:

  • What are the international insurance trends that I should be aware of?
  • When is the best time to purchase insurance?
  • Who are the top international health insurance companies out there?
  • How much are premiums likely to go up next year?
  • How much should I expect to pay when I purchase a new health insurance policy?

The has already been written about in renowned online insurance publications like IPMI Magazine, ET Net, and Business Wire, highlighting that Pacific Prime is a trusted source for quality insurance industry data and insights. This is a reputation that has been forged from our 17+ years of international insurance experience.

As far as what is contained within the report, the Dubai version is broken down into eight sections:

  1. About Pacific Prime Dubai and the report
  2. The cost of international health insurance in Dubai
  3. International private medical insurance inflation for Dubai
  4. Top insurers in Dubai
  5. The timing of purchasing health insurance in the Emirate
  6. Recent changes to the global health insurance landscape
  7. The trends affecting health insurance in Dubai
  8. The top 3 global health insurance issues faced by businesses in Dubai

To dig into these sections for yourself, download the report now.

Key global findings


There are numerous takeaways to be found within the various sections of the report. For those who are focused on the bottom line, they will likely be interested to know that the average annual cost of international health insurance globally in 2017 was USD 8,105. This number comes from the average of 100 different countries that were published in the 2017 edition of Pacific Prime’s Cost of Health Insurance report.

Here in Dubai, the average cost in 2017 was USD 8,959, making Dubai the ninth most expensive location for IPMI in the Cost of Health Insurance report, and the second most expensive in the Middle East region.  In the report, we provide a breakdown of average costs in Dubai by four common demographics: Individuals, Couples, Families, and Retirees. No doubt, this information will prove valuable for those looking to renew plans this year.


On the inflation front, there was much data to draw upon. Largely, inflation data included in the State of Health Insurance report can also be found in the latest edition of Pacific Prime’s IPMI Inflation Report. From the information within, it was found that world international private medical insurance inflation has been stable over the past year, as the 9.6% inflation rate seen in 2015 was repeated in 2016.

To learn about Dubai’s inflation specifically, and the state of inflation, check out section 3 of the report.


Even insurance professionals in some markets may not be aware of the goings on worldwide with regards to their industry. With this in mind, Pacific Prime has highlighted several international medical insurance trends, including:

  • Digitization – Insurers in virtually all markets are moving to connect with internet savvy clients, and improve overall client experience via technology. Apps, online portals and claims, digital underwriting, and much more are all quickly becoming industry standards.
  • Compliance – Much like we have seen with Dubai medical insurance, there have been many changes to governmental regulations in some markets in recent years. Find out more about big changes and how insurers and clients alike are keeping up.
  • Onshoring – Multinational insurance companies are no longer satisfied with approaching markets through local partners. Many are opting to open local offices and become legally licensed to sell in new territories.

Purchasing habits

Would you be surprised to know that, at least on a global scale, policyholders are purchasing in the second quarter of the year more than any other? Find out why this is, and what the implications for the timing of your purchase may be in section 5 of the report.


What are the top insurance issues faced by business around the world, as well as in Dubai? What can companies do to anticipate premium increases? How can they make their insurance plans more sustainable? How can companies utilize insurance to attract and retain top talent? Section 8 of the report has the answers to these questions and more.

Get the report today!

Pacific Prime Dubai’s staff has worked diligently to create this report that is effectively a snapshot of the international health insurance industry, and Dubai’s place in it. We invite you to download the report today and see for yourself the many different facets of global health insurance in order to be better informed the next time you have to make a decision about your own insurance.

If you have any other questions about Dubai health insurance, or about the global insurance industry as we know it, please reach out to the knowledgeable insurance experts at Pacific Prime Dubai. They can answer all of your questions, as well as provide free plan comparisons from major Dubai insurers and free price quotations should you need them. Contact us today!

Senior Content Creator at Pacific Prime United Arab Emirates
Serena Fung is a Senior Content Creator at Pacific Prime, a global insurance brokerage and employee specialist serving over 1.5 million clients in 15 offices across the world. With 2+ years of experience writing about the subject, she aims to demystify the world of insurance for readers with the latest updates, guides and articles on the blog.

Serena earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, Canada. As such, she is an avid advocate of mental health and is fascinated by all things psychology (especially if it’s cognitive psychology!).

Her previous work experience includes teaching toddlers to read, writing for a travel/wellness online magazine, and then a business news blog. These combined experiences give her the skills and insights she needs to explain complex ideas in a succinct way. Being the daughter of an immigrant and a traveler herself, she is passionate about educating expats and digital nomads on travel and international health insurance.