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Dubai Releases Long-Term Gaming Visa to Enthrall Global Gamers

Dubai has released a long-term gaming visa to support talented individuals, creators, and entrepreneurs in the e-gaming sector. This move is part of the Gaming 2033 project initiated by Crown Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to position Dubai among the top 10 cities for gaming.

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This initiative is aimed at encouraging them to develop and enhance their skills with the provision of employment and training opportunities, and to provide investment opportunities to help turn gaming ideas into practical ideas in reality.

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In this Pacific Prime Dubai article, we aim to empower you with detailed information about this brand-new Dubai gaming visa, and why you should consider international health insurance to safeguard your health if you decide to try your luck in Dubai.

Long-Term Gaming Visa: Key Takeaways

The Dubai long-term gaming visa is one of the multi-year cultural visa categories granted by Dubai Culture and GDRFA-Dubai to individuals with creative skills across six key sectors:

  1. Cultural heritage
  2. Visual arts
  3. Performing arts and festivals
  4. Books and press
  5. Interactive media
  6. Design and creative services

With the release of the Dubai gaming visa, you can expect to see:

  • 30,000 new jobs linked to the e-gaming sector by 2033
  • Rapid development and production of gaming content and applications
  • Dubai turning into a global center of culture where talented expats thrive

Applying for the Long-Term Gaming Visa

Prospective applicants can apply for the gaming visa through the Dubai Cultural website. The application process is straightforward and user-friendly, requiring the applicants to be over 25 and submit a copy of their passport and professional CV as well as other necessary documents such as:

  • Proof of contribution to the gaming community (optional but desired)
  • Role preference
  • Residence permits/ EIDs (if available)
  • Personal details such as workplace, residence address, etc.

Upon submission, candidates will get email updates, and if the application is accepted, they will be issued the Creative and Talented Accreditation Certificate.

Note: With the recent introduction of the UAE’s “Work Bundle” platform that aims to reduce the processing time needed to complete all the required documents to acquire work permits and visas, applicants can receive the visa in as little as five days.

Facilitating Your Visa Application Process

By securing international health insurance early on, you can guarantee the timely arrival of your visa as you do not have to browse through the internet for one once you realize it is mandatory in Dubai.

The Dubai Health Insurance Law No. 11 of 2013 has helped decrease healthcare costs in Dubai, and it protects the Emirate from incurring substantial medical debt. If you are an expat or digital nomad who wants to live in Dubai, you will be expected to comply with this law.

The Required Medical Insurance Benefits in Dubai

The minimum coverage benefits that every compliant medical insurance plan in Dubai must offer are:

  • An annual upper aggregate claims limit of at least AED 150,000 (about USD $40,800)
  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Inpatient care
  • Outpatient care
  • Maternity services, including inpatient, outpatient, and newborn care

If you do not comply with this law and choose not to get medical insurance, you run the risk of:

  • Financial fines
  • Legal complications
  • Visa renewal issues
  • Limited medical care access
  • Higher medical costs
  • Negative impact on dependents: fines and poor healthcare
  • Employer penalties
  • Damaged reputation
  • Deportation

How Pacific Prime Dubai Can Help

Dubai gaming visa is ideal for gamers around the world to have a chance to meet other like-minded people from other countries at this gaming hub-to-be. You are given the opportunity to participate in projects in the e-gaming sector and revolutionize the future of gaming content and technologies.

Finding comprehensive health insurance alone is a daunting task, let alone the fact that not all health insurance plans can fulfill the basic requirements stated by the law. Hence, you should consider working with a reputed broker like Pacific Prime to secure a law-compliant insurance plan.

With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, our expert advisors can find and compare the most cost-effective health insurance plan with comprehensive coverage while still complying with the law. Rest assured that you are protected and supported throughout your journey.

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Content Creator at Pacific Prime Dubai
Eric is an experienced content writer specializing in writing creative copies of marketing materials including social media posts, advertisements, landing pages, and video scripts.

Since joining Pacific Prime, Eric was exposed to a new world of insurance. Having learned about insurance products extensively, he has taken joy and satisfaction in helping individuals and businesses manage risks and protect themselves against financial loss through the power of words.

Although born and raised in Hong Kong, he spent a quarter of his life living and studying in the UK. He believes his multicultural experience is a great asset in understanding the needs and wants of expats and globe-trotters.

Eric’s strengths lie in his strong research, analytical, and communication skills, obtained through his BA in Linguistics from the University of York and MSc in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the University of Bristol.

Outside of work, he enjoys some me-time gaming and reading on his own, occasionally going absolutely mental on a night out with friends.
Eric Chung