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A Guide to COVID-19 Travel Insurance for Dubai Visitors

While travel insurance is not mandatory, it is highly advisable due to the high cost of healthcare in the UAE. Hospitals in Dubai may refuse treatment if you cannot prove you have health insurance or can afford medical expenses. 

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There are two main ways of getting  travel insurance: purchasing from an insurance broker in your country or using comparison marketplace tools. Furthermore, to obtain a UAE visa, visitors must show proof of travel insurance. Read this Pacific Prime article to find out more.

Where to Get Travel Health Insurance for Dubai (UAE)

Image of Tall Skyscrapers In Dubai Skyline with text overlay of "Travel Health Insurance for Dubai"

The two main ways of getting travel insurance are by contacting an insurance broker and making use of comparison marketplace tools. Insurance brokers help provide recommendations, and comparison marketplace tools help you compare plans. 

Insurance brokers offer a range of policies specifically tailored to the needs of travelers. You can research and compare different policies online, considering factors such as coverage amount, trip duration, and additional add-ons.

Comparison marketplace tools offer a convenient way to find and purchase travel health insurance plans that meet the mandatory requirements for visitors to Dubai. 

These platforms allow you to compare policies from multiple insurance providers and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. They provide quotes and detailed policy information to help you make an informed decision.

Whether you decide to purchase travel health insurance from a local insurance broker or through a comparison marketplace, it is important to carefully read the policy details, including the fine print, to ensure that you understand the coverage and any exclusions. 

What Should Travel Medical Insurance for Dubai Include?

When purchasing travel medical insurance for Dubai, it is important to find a policy that covers medical emergencies, such as ambulance and emergency room services, surgical procedures, doctor’s visits, hospitalization, and the cost of medicine. 

Trip disruption coverage is also essential to protect against non-refundable reservations or deposits. Coverage for loss of personal belongings, emergency evacuation, or repatriation of mortal remains should also be included.

For a more exhaustive list, see below: 

  • Coverage for medical emergencies, including ambulance and emergency room services
  • Surgical procedures, doctor’s visits, and hospitalization
  • Coverage for the cost of prescription medicine
  • Trip disruption coverage for non-refundable reservations or deposits
  • Loss of personal belongings coverage
  • Emergency evacuation or repatriation of mortal remains coverage
  • Optional coverage for high-risk activities such as skydiving or dune bashing

For additional coverage, carefully review your needs with a broker. By having comprehensive travel medical insurance, you can travel with peace of mind, knowing that you are protected against unexpected events and medical emergencies.

Is Dubai Travel Insurance Expensive?

Generally, you can expect to pay between 4% to 10% of your total trip cost for travel insurance. However, keep in mind that the cost may increase if you require coverage for high-risk activities or additional add-ons. 

The cost of travel insurance can vary based on several factors, such as the duration of your trip, the amount of coverage you desire, your age, and the number of people included in the plan.

Below is an exhaustive list of factors that influence the cost of your travel insurance policy: 

Factors Influencing Cost

Impact on Cost

Trip duration Longer trips may have higher premiums
Coverage amount Higher coverage may result in higher premiums
Age of travelers Older travelers may have higher premiums
Number of people included More people included may increase premiums

Healthcare in the UAE for Tourists

While the UAE has a renowned healthcare system, medical costs can be quite high, and tourists without insurance may be refused treatment. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure you have a valid travel insurance policy that covers any medical expenses that may arise during your trip to Dubai.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) and European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) are not valid in Dubai. Therefore, all emergency and routine medical care will require a valid travel insurance policy. 

Lastly, it is essential to check whether any prescription medications you take are permitted in Dubai. Some common medications in other countries, such as the UK, may be prohibited in Dubai. 

Risks and Laws to be Aware of in Dubai

Dubai has a unique legal system that may differ from what you’re accustomed to in Western countries, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the local regulations and customs.

Cultural Sensitivities and Laws

A rule of thumb is to err on the conservative side of dressing and avoid being intoxicated in public. In Dubai, there is a time and place for everything, and being very conscious of your behavior and actions towards others is important. 

Below is a comprehensive list of things to do while visiting Dubai: 

  • Dress conservatively: In public areas and religious sites, it’s important to dress modestly and avoid wearing revealing clothing.
  • Avoid public displays of affection: Physical contact, including holding hands or kissing in public, is considered inappropriate and can lead to legal consequences.
  • Respect religious sites: When visiting mosques or other religious sites, adhere to the rules and guidelines, such as removing your shoes and dressing appropriately.
  • Drinking in public: Public consumption of alcohol is not allowed except in licensed establishments, such as hotels and restaurants. Be cautious and avoid being visibly intoxicated in public areas.
  • Photography restrictions: Certain buildings, government facilities, and individuals may not be photographed without permission or authorization. It’s important to respect these rules to avoid legal issues.

Legal System and Potential Consequences

The legal system in Dubai is based on Sharia law. Therefore, the possession of drugs, criticism of the government, and disruptive behavior can result in severe jail punishment. 

Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Drug-related offenses: Possession, consumption, or trafficking of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and can lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines.
  • Criticizing the government: Publicly criticizing or making derogatory remarks about the government or the ruling family is considered an offense and can result in legal consequences.
  • Public behavior: Engaging in public altercations, offensive language, or indecent behavior can lead to legal action and fines.

By understanding and respecting the laws and cultural sensitivities of Dubai, you can ensure a trouble-free visit and enjoy your time in this vibrant and diverse city.

The Best Travel Insurance Carriers 

For travel insurance, IMG, Vumi, and April International are the best for globetrotters. Below is a table illustrating their relative advantages.



April International

Age Limit Up to 69 Up to 79 Up to 80
Currency USD, GBP, EURO USD only EURO only
Coverage Worldwide except the US Worldwide coverage, but cannot be sold to US/Canada residents Worldwide, with plans restricted to certain locations
Pre-existing Condition No Yes No
Flexibility High (deductibles and limits) High (annual multi-trips/single trip available) Medium (worldwide coverage)
Cost-effectiveness Good Medium Good
Special Features/Remarks Emergency dental cover

No cover in home country

Cover unforeseen pregnancy up to 20 weeks

Free coverage for dependents under two years old

15-day waiting period if already traveling in the country

Emergency dental treatment of up to EURO 400

A minimum of 3 months cover

Importance of Travel Insurance for Dubai Visitors

Having comprehensive travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage ensures that you are financially protected and have access to necessary medical treatment if unexpected circumstances arise.

Not only is travel insurance highly recommended due to the high cost of healthcare in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but it is also a requirement for obtaining a UAE visa. Hospitals in Dubai may refuse treatment if you cannot provide proof of health insurance.


Is travel insurance mandatory for visiting Dubai?

Travel insurance is not mandatory for visiting Dubai, but it is highly advisable due to the high cost of healthcare in the UAE. Hospitals may refuse treatment if you cannot prove you have health insurance or can afford medical expenses. 

Where can I get travel health insurance for Dubai?

Travel health insurance for Dubai can be purchased from an insurance broker or through comparison marketplace tools. These platforms allow you to compare different insurance policies and choose the one that best suits your needs.

What should travel medical insurance for Dubai include?

Travel medical insurance for Dubai should include coverage for medical emergencies, trip disruption, loss of personal belongings, and emergency evacuation or repatriation of mortal remains.

Is travel insurance for Dubai expensive?

The cost of travel insurance for Dubai depends on factors like trip duration, coverage amount, age, and the number of people included in the plan. Generally, you can expect to pay between 4% to 10% of your trip cost for travel insurance. 

Why is travel insurance important for Dubai visitors?

Travel insurance is crucial for visitors to Dubai as it provides financial protection in case of unexpected events or medical emergencies. Having travel insurance that includes coverage for COVID-19 ensures that you can receive medical treatment if needed and protects you from costly expenses.

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A comprehensive travel insurance policy for Dubai should cover a range of essential aspects, such as overseas medical expenses, lost or damaged luggage and belongings, and trip cancellations due to unforeseen events or illnesses. 

To find a budget-friendly plan that satisfies your requirements, it is best to work with Pacific Prime Dubai. As an experienced insurance broker, we have a team of experts to provide you with impartial advice and compare insurance plans across top insurers around the globe to help you.

Contact us today to get started!

Content Writer at Pacific Prime
Piyanat is a Content Writer with an affinity for storytelling and marketing. He works with a team of experienced professionals at Pacific Prime who create a range of engaging and informative content aimed at helping both individuals and companies understand the importance of and benefits of insurance.

Upon graduating from Mahidol University International College’s International Relations program, he spent his career in marketing and business development, working for an international subcontractor, a marketing research firm, an international news agency, a software development company, and a creative agency. His journey now continues at Pacific Prime, where he hopes to make an impact by simplifying insurance.

In his free time, Piyanat is an avid martial artist and musician, spending most of his time at boxing gyms in Nakhon Pathom and music studios with his friends in the music industry. He’s also a big fan of turtles.
Piyanat Jantharot