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10 Tips to Survive the Summer Heat in Dubai

Dubai is known for its hot weather all year round, but did you know that temperatures can go up to 50°C (122°F) during summer and the air humidity sometimes reaches up to 90%? In such intense heat, proper precautions such as staying hydrated and applying sunscreen are essential.

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Dubai’s summer typically starts in June, and the intense heat could last until September before temperatures start lowering. July and August are the hottest months of the year, and the scorching summer heat can indeed be hazardous to your health if you’re not careful.

Whether you are currently residing in or planning to visit Dubai, Pacific Prime Dubai has put together a few tips that can help you survive the heat.

How to Beat the Summer Heat

The summer heat in Dubai is no joke, with temperatures reaching up to 50°C (122°F)! There are several things you can do to combat this extreme heat, from wearing heat-friendly clothing and staying hydrated, to relaxing by the pool/beach and avoiding it by seeking refuge in some of Dubai’s top malls!

Here are some essential tips to avoid the searing summer heat in Dubai:

1. Wear Summer-friendly Clothing

Contrary to what most people believe, shorts and sleeveless tops are not summer-friendly. Exposing your skin to the harsh sun can lead to rapid loss of moisture in a short time in extreme heat, which can result in dehydration. To protect yourself and stay cool, opt for loose-fitting clothes made of lightweight fabrics.

2. SPF is Your Best Friend

Invest in a good broad-spectrum sunscreen with a medium-range filter and follow the instructions for reapplication. Sunscreen cream helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Note that long-term exposure to the sun may lead to skin cancer, so remember to reapply as directed.

We recommend using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 for Dubai’s climate. Regardless of the season, sun protection cream should always be used in the UAE. Note that lack of proper skin care and protection can lead to problems such as rash, sun spots, and premature skin aging.

3. Shield Your Eyes

It’s essential to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays, especially in the UAE where you will be exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation. Wearing a hat or sunglasses can help shield your eyes from the bright light. Be sure to choose sunglasses with 100% UV protection.

4. Stay Hydrated

The recommended water intake for the average adult is approximately 2-3 liters. This is especially important during Dubai’s intense summer as the heat can cause excessive sweating, making your body lose a lot of water. Staying hydrated can help prevent heat strokes and other heat-related illnesses.

Drink plenty of water, and always carry a water bottle wherever you go. Tap water in the UAE is produced by desalination and is safe to drink directly from the tap. Bottled water is also widely available throughout Dubai. Note that local water is less expensive than imported options.

5. Eat Small Portions Frequently

Consuming smaller portions more often can help you stay cool during the summer. The digestive process generates a considerable amount of heat within your body. As a result, the larger the meal, the more energy and time your body requires for digestion – time and energy that could be better used to regulate your body temperature.

6. Beach or Pool it’s All Cool

Dubai offers both public and private hotel beaches. However, the sand and water can become quite hot during the afternoon, so consider visiting the beach early in the morning. This way, you can relax on scenic beaches of the UAE and start your day cooling off in the water.

Pools are another fantastic way to stay cool during the summer. Booking a room at a hotel with a pool is a great way to gain access to one. Expats can treat this as a mini staycation in Dubai, making use of all the luxury services hotels in Dubai have to offer!

7. Stay Indoors

Dubai has some of the world’s best shopping malls. If you think that malls are only for shopping, think again! Many malls in the country offer indoor adventure activities, ranging from ice skating to bouldering. Avoid the intense sun and enjoy the well-air-conditioned malls of Dubai and the UAE this summer!

8. Avoid Cold Showers

A cold shower may seem like the perfect way to stave off the heat but they can cause more harm than good. Cold showers can actually make your body produce excessive heat due to the sudden loss of body heat. Therefore, opt for lukewarm water when showering to maintain a standard body temperature.

9. Avoid the Hottest Hours

Early mornings are ideal for stepping out for a walk in Dubai. Whilst the temperatures may still be high, they won’t be as harsh as they are from around noon to 4:00pm. Remember to carry water and apply ample sun protection cream before heading out.

10. Try to Avoid Caffeine

Avoiding caffeine might be a challenging tip, especially for coffee-lovers. Since coffee and other caffeinated drinks can actually lead to dehydration, it’s imperative that you try to either reduce your consumption or ensure you drink plenty of water afterward to avoid dehydration.


Whilst the summer may be great for outdoor activities, it also brings additional health risks such as heat strokes and dehydration. Taking proper precautions, like staying hydrated and using sunscreen, is vital to staying safe under the scorching conditions of Dubai’s summer.

Securing health insurance is also the best way to get ahead of potential problems and ensure that you and your loved ones have access to the best medical treatments in times of need.

With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and a robust global presence, Pacific Prime Dubai offers comprehensive individual and family health insurance plans. Our experts can assist you with all your insurance queries and help you find a plan that meets your requirements.

Contact us for a free quote today!

Lakshmi’s natural vocation is to quip and sally with words. She has been a copywriter for over five years. She is currently a content creator at Pacific Prime and is looking to enliven and simplify the seemingly complex world of insurance for you.